

最後更新日期 : 2024-06-18




參賽同學:黃加楷、李宜勳、李弘智 同學

指導教授:陳一郎 老師



競賽說明 / Competition Description


The National College Student Thesis and Technical Report Competition is divided into six categories, including Operations Research and Decision Sciences, Big Data Analysis and Information Systems, Human Factors Engineering and Design, Production Systems and Smart Manufacturing, Service Systems and Technology Management, and Technical Reports. The competition aims to encourage college students to actively engage in research on industrial engineering and management and to promote collaboration between academia and industry. Additionally, the competition focuses on cultivating students' independent thinking, teamwork, problem-solving skills, and enhancing their writing and oral presentation abilities in project theses and technical reports.


學生獲獎感言/ Student Award Acceptance Speech



On the day of the competition, outstanding students from various schools gathered, all filled with determination and eager to achieve good results, and we were no exception! With experience from internal project presentations, we described our project content and outcomes clearly and calmly during the presentation. After the presentation, our responses to the judges' questions were composed, and the judges were satisfied with our answers. Throughout the competition, we also gained valuable experience and knowledge by observing presentations from other groups. When the host announced that we had won first place, all the past hardships and anxieties were replaced by joy and achievement. We are deeply grateful to Professor Chen Yi-Lang for his diligent guidance over three semesters. This competition was the most valuable experience of our four years at Ming Chi University, and it beautifully concluded our studies.

This competition trained us in showcasing and expressing our professional skills. Through the department's practical project research and report writing, we gained valuable research experience and professional knowledge. The competition results also brought honor to Ming Chi's Department of Industrial Management! This also proves the growth of students in academic and professional skills. All the efforts and hard work were worthwhile, laying a solid foundation for our future studies and career development.


